Value Add
Axis RP uses a flexible investment strategy for our value-add investments
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. We select assets to acquire with a focus on generating the best returns through a repositioning of the asset, re-tenanting, redeveloping, and if necessary, recapitalizing.
Core Plus
Axis RP firmly believes that a portfolio should include a diverse group of core assets by geography and by asset class, and that generates a sustained level of income throughout the life of the portfolio. Sustainable Income is an essential component of any successful investment strategy and what we do for our clients at Axis Realty Partners. Our core-plus investment approach minimizes our exposure in cyclical downturns as we structure investments with a focus on collecting current and more predicable cash flows in contrast to relying on future capital appreciation.
Since the early 90s, our team has actively acquired distressed investments using our proven formula. Today we leverage that experience and utilize our proprietary research process and leverage our existing relationships, then we identify key trends in markets and asset classes and capitalize on those emerging trends. We underwrite our investments using conservative criteria to yield attractive returns and manage our clients’ downside exposure.