Investment Plan

Prior to acquisition, a specific asset plan is developed with a definitive exit strategy that fully outlines the expectations and deliverables set forth by the client. Axis RP then focuses on those specific assets that may be under-valued and where there are prospects for near or mid-term value creation. Our ultimate goal is to provide both an above average return for our clients, and a clear exit strategy that will provide a long-term risk adjusted return.

Among the cornerstones of our investment strategy is to maximize in-place cash flow where possible, and where current cash flow is expected to produce approximately two-thirds of the net present value of the total return

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. The ability to collect current and more predictable operating cash flow, in contrast to primarily relying on future capital appreciation, greatly reduces the risk profile of real estate investment.

ARP’s disciplined investment approach focuses not only on those assets that meet its rigorous standards for acquisition, but also that each individual asset compliments and enhances the overall portfolio.

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