Kenneth Hocker
Mr. Hocker, is responsible for development, construction and asset management
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. In addition, he supports the acquisition, due diligence and disposition process for Axis, and is a member of the firm’s investment committee.
Ken Hocker has almost 25 years of commercial real estate development, construction, leasing, asset management and acquisition experience. Mr. Hocker has been actively involved with the acquisition, development, redevelopment and construction of 26 retail centers totaling over 4 million square feet throughout the US. In addition, he has been responsible for the development of numerous complex mixed-use, office and multi-family properties coast to coast. Mr. Hocker has served as a Senior Vice President of Development and Acquisition and has held various roles as a senior development and construction manager. A former Eastern Regional Director for Development for Weingarten Realty Investors, a $7.5 billion publicly traded REIT, active in the development of mixed use, industrial and retail projects.
Mr. Hocker graduated from the University of Texas, Austin with a BBA in Finance.
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