Jose Hevia
President, Aligned Properties
Jose Hevia formerly served as the President and CEO of Flagler Development, a Florida full-service commercial real estate company. He was responsible for all development, construction, and asset management operations for Flagler’s portfolio of approximately 13 million square feet of Class-A office and industrial space. As the former CEO and President, Jose was responsible for all the development, construction and asset management operations for Flagler’s portfolio, which also consists of approximately 4,400 acres of land throughout Florida. Jose also oversaw the acquisition of new projects that build upon Flagler’s real estate assets
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Jose is a registered architect and a licensed general contractor in the State of Florida, a licensed general civil contractor in Miami Dade County, and a member of the America Institute of Architects. He is also a member of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Chairman’s Circle of 100. He received his Bachelor’s from the University of Miami.
Jose’s role is to provide feedback with overall company strategy and business development.